Saturday, December 31, 2016

What I got for Christmas 2016

I got many things for Christmas and love every present I got. Here are ten of my favorite gifts I got.

1. Two throw blankets. They are the softest blankets ever.

2. A cat pillow. I wasn't expecting to get this, but it's so cute.

3. A wooden cat puzzle box.

4. A ukulele. I wasn't expecting to get a ukulele either. I'm excited to learn how to play.

5. Spray on nail polish. I've seen mixed reviews about spray on nail polish so I'm happy I receive some to test out.
6. "Secret Sisters" by Jayne Ann Krentz. This year I've been getting into reading so I'm thrilled to read it.
7. A cat selfie calendar for 2017. I love cat selfies.
8. A bar of soap with one of my birthstones in it that my mom bought me in Houston. I actually received this early because my new puppy chewed the wrapping off of the soap.
9. I received lots of makeup.
10. A new pair of cute running shoes.