Thursday, September 29, 2016

20 Facts About Me

  1. I've lived in Florida my whole life.
  2. I've visited 5 states so far (soon to be 8).
  3. I used to have a rabbit named S'mores.
  4. I used to have a turtle named Bubbles. We had to rehome her because she got to big for her tank.
  5. I love painting my nails and trying out different designs. I try to paint them for every holiday and event I go to.
  6. I once took a class on photography because I love taking pictures. I love taking pictures of nature.
  7. I would like to go into acting because I like the idea of being someone that is not myself.
  8. I have stopped drinking soda It has been two months since I stopped drinking soda.
  9. My favorite show is Jane the Virgin.
  10. I love watching HGTV.
  11. I have three cats. The longest I have gone without a cat is six months.
  12. I want to travel the world. I have no dream place I want to go because I want to go everywhere.
  13. My favorite animal is a tie between giraffes and elephants.
  14. My favorite color is orange. I used to be my favorite color when I was younger.
  15. I love running. I've done one 5k and I want to do more. I eventually want to do a full marathon one day.
  16. I love anything about space. Learning about planets and the moon is a lot of fun.
  17. Ive seen snow once in my life.
  18. I like to change the background on my  phone based on the season or holiday.
  19. I have a fear of lizards. I cant be near them.
  20. I can't leave the house without wearing jewelry.

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