Wednesday, November 30, 2016

A week in Houston

Saturday and Sunday before Thanksgiving my parents and I drove for about 16 hours to Huston, Texas to visit my uncle. On Saturday we drove for about 10 hours before stopping in Gulfport, Mississippi.
During the drive we went through a tunnel in Alabama and stopped at a Sandhill crane sanctuary for a few minutes in Mississippi. On Sunday we drove about 6 more hours to Houston, Texas.

On Monday, we went to a park called Discovery Green. My dad wanted to find this building he took a picture of about 30 years ago. We eventually found it. It was at a place call Sam Houston Park. It has historical buildings. Unfortunately we couldn't go inside them because they don't do tours on Mondays, but we could walk around the outside of them. The last thing we did that day was go to the Downtown Aquarium. I got to pet and feed some stingrays there.

Tuesday, we went to the Johnson space center. That was the one place I really wanted to go to. At the Johnson space center we got to ride on one of the two trams. We didn't have time for the other one. The space center has a replica Boeing 747 shuttle aircraft that we could walk through. We got to see things that were in space and replicas of thing that were in space. There was so much to do there that we didn't get to see everything because my sister was flying in for Thanksgiving.

The next day, we drove down to Galveston after having breakfast at Humble City Café. It was a really cute café.We spent to day at Pleasure Pier. I went on Rock N Roll, Sky Shooter, the Carousel, and Texas Star Flyer. Rock N Roll  was probably my favorite because it unexpectedly goes backwards. I really enjoyed to view from the Texas Star Flyer. The Iron Shark Rollercoaster is probably the only rollercoaster I will durn down without going on it first. I love rollercoasters but not ones that go straight up.

Thursday we had a relaxing day at my Uncle's house. Our last day in Houston was Friday. We went to a small town with shops outside of Houston. They had a lot of Black Friday sales. In one shop they were selling puppies. Another had free kittens. Unfortunately we couldn't get any animals because the puppies were really expensive, and we already have three cats. A lot of the shops had a lot of cute clothes and other cool things that I could have spent all my money on.

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